Friday, June 1, 2007

Even George

I really enjoyed this a lot. It's actually quite an achievement in communication, and arising from the web like that. Homegrown journalism.
Serves a very useful purpose, and should be emulated more often.
Kudos to Stephanie in no small measure. And way to save the low budget quality by rubbing George's nose in that silly song at the end. Which of course was not your intention but that's how I prefer to view it.
The editing was pleasant, and some nice close-ups.
It played perfectly on my Mac.
I truly think this was good work, and in some ways superior to what George does.
The questions came from people, and not writers. And not from anyone who had an agenda to protect or beholding to anyone other than the subjects cooperation.
It was also a first attempt, so understandably a bit superficial and tentative. Far deeper and more serious questions could have been posed.
Too bad you can't find another dufus to interview.
But you are now officially members of a new breed of broadcasters, perhaps the first embodiment of the Strombo dictum, that if George can do it, anyone can.

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